
Sumatrapdf windows 10
Sumatrapdf windows 10

sumatrapdf windows 10 sumatrapdf windows 10

This combination is not impossible on Windows 10 as seen here, but even for me (Disclaimer I support SumatraPDF) was a challenge using Kile3 Beta3 in Windows 10.īasically you need to set SumatraPDF to be the system default PDF handler, a challenge itself in some instances. If running Windows 7 (or 8) SumatraPDF could very easily be set as default PDF handler and thus there was less need for any settings in many TeX cases. Thus older Kile readme used to explain it was best to set it to use the system apps found on "Path" however that was before Windows 10 plus Edge commandeered user file association preferences. Most other LaTeX IDEs are much easier to configure for Windows use, especially using MiKTeX with its PdfTeX configurations that will accept multiple PDF pre-viewer settings. However ViewPDF expects those more common on native KDE platform such as Okular or the PdfTeX pre-view so usually fails as non critical ! SumatraPDF will work but usually needs some manual addition. Kile normally runs some pre-flight system check for LaTeX and Viewer components.

Sumatrapdf windows 10